Between the return of turtle necks and low-rise jeans on the rise, op-shopping is all the rage. But have you tried op-shopping for content?

Done right, you can score smart, clickable, quality stuff at a steal. So grab your tote and leave your AMEX at home – we’re getting thrifty.

Reuse the classics

Before you smash out something quick ‘n’ cheap, dig into your closet to see what you have already. Chances are that last years’ awesome is this year’s still-really-good. Repeat it.

Top tip: Great content is stuff people love. So look for high quality, high performers and post them again. It’s a win-win.

Refresh for today

Give an old classic a second run. Find something great and spice it up with the latest stats or new graphics for a fresh 2023 take. Accessorise for success and a modern twist.

Top tip: Content still topical but lost traction? Research trending keywords and weave them in to give your content a boost in search engine rankings.

Recycle what’s working

Check out the runway before hitting the op-shop. There's no shame in taking inspo from the latest fads. Like Skinny’s smart take on the Wes Anderson TikTok trend. Copy, paste, success.

Top tip: Ideas are made for sharing. And the internet loves a fast-fashion fad. So spot what’s hot and give it your unique spin to ride the wave.

Old is the new new

Op-shopping is all about saving money without sacrificing quality. Rather than sweat-shop-sewn garments that unravel after one wash, shop for timeless pieces with more potential.

It’s the same with content. Craft it with care upfront, let it age like fine wine, then reuse, refresh and recycle later. Marketers do it all the time. Like this DIY blog we recycled.

Because why let what worked go to waste?


