Saw a great little film the other day. Do what you can’t is a millennial manifesto for content creators. And it’s good. Well written, brilliantly cut and full of tips and challenges on seizing the moment to make cool stuff. “If you do it right, you can quit your day job… a life moving so fast and so full you won’t even have time to process it”. And isn't that everyone’s ultimate goal?
Do what you can’t reminded me of a film I saw a while ago. Here’s the Crazy Ones. It’s also a love story to creativity. Beautifully written, thoughtfully cut and selling the same core message… almost.
Both films celebrate the power of snubbing noses at the status quo. “The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of the rules.” It’s the same story for a different generation. Or is it?
Both these films highlight brilliant people who’ve done awesome stuff by being creative. Both are relevant, topical and jam-packed with clichés and bubblegum advice. Both make you want to go do stuff.
The difference is in the pivot line in Crazy Ones. “About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.”
Do what you can’t is a fun film about doing cool stuff to get noticed. Here’s to the crazy ones is a love song to amazing people who did what they can’t to change the world. There’s nothing in it as cool as a magic carpet ride through New York. But Ghandi got stuff done in his own quiet way.
So I reckon the core advice is great. “Do what you can’t”. “Don’t take no for an answer”, “challenge the status quo” and “make stuff happen”. And I agree that “all you need is a camera, an internet connection and a good idea”. But is that really all we need? Is it all we want? Can we change the world by getting noticed? Or should we try to get noticed by changing the world?
That’s what I reckon, what do you think?