Nobody likes change. But sometimes stuff happens and we need to tell people. Pricing changes, new plans, security updates, you name it. These communications can have a big impact on customers - and the bottom line. So it’s useful to know what that might look like.

Risk Robot thinks about the type of news and how complicated it is. Then he sizes up the challenge and highlights the value of crafting great comms.

It’s easy and quick. Have a go.

Exploring our assumptions

Risk Robot is only designed to give a ballpark. Here are the assumptions in the math:

Churn rate is based on type of news (1% - 6%)
Frontline impact is based on complexity (1% - 10% of calls)
Brand impact is cents per customer based on above rates.
Value of comms is based on a 10% reduction in impacts with simple, clear comms.

If you need us to size up risks and solutions for a specific job, get in touch.