
Let’s face it. Staying optimistic is harder than usual right now. And no matter who you’re locked down with, you’re bound to be going a little cooky. So here’s six proactive steps you can take to lift your mood and get you through. You might even come out the other side better than before.

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While the odd lazy day in your pyjamas is a real treat, being a sloth get’s old real quick. Creating a routine with regular mealtimes, bedtime and exercise is important to establish structure, predictability and a sense of purpose.

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Exercise, good nutrition and social connection are directly linked to our emotional well-being. So now is the time to get creative. Jump on House Party, cook a Nadia Lim special or follow along with a Les Mills class on TVNZ.

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Switch your attention to the little things – the things you can control. Tend to your house plants, tidy up the pantry or tick off any other niggly to-dos around the house. It’s the little things that keep our mental health in good nick.

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Bad habits take time to break – and we’ve got a bit of that right now. So stop biting your nails, endlessly scrolling Instagram or leaving the toilet seat up. You can walk away from all of this a better you.

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Learning a new skill is a great way to keep your mind sharp. So download Duolingo and brush up on your Spanish. Or learn that new TikTok dance you’ve seen everywhere. You’ll be better for it.

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And finally, be a bit selfish and do something just for you, everyday. Whether that’s a morning meditation, a cheeky bubble bath or a cycle round the block – anything that nourishes the mind, body and soul.