‘These are unprecedented times’ and ‘we’re in this together.’

No, really? We’ve heard so many variations, so many times now, it’s like the soundtrack to our isolation. Please don’t remind me we’re ‘together, but apart’.

So who in adland is cutting through the Corona clutter?

I asked and the internet answered. Check out a few that our team liked. Ads that nudge forward the Covid-19 conversations with creativity, cleverness and #feels. Enjoy.


The Ohio Department of Health – Flatten the Curve

Everyone loves a good visual metaphor. Especially one that gets the importance of social distancing across quickly, simply and effectively – tick, tick, tick. Sure, we’ve seen the ball and mousetrap before. But it makes the point beautifully.

IKEA – I Stay Home

IKEA may be at an unfair advantage here, as a brand who practically invented the art of staying home. But no matter how many times they tell a story from the perspective of an inanimate object – I’ll still bite. Their craft is amazing.

New Zealand Police – Important Covid-19 Messages from Wellington Paranormal: Episode 1: Distance and Isolation

A public service announcement that doesn’t sound like one? That’s a big yes from us. Plus, there’s no better time for a bit of Kiwi humour. It’s a nice deviation from the norm, while setting the rules of Level 4 straight. Well done, Welly.

Nike – Play for the World

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Here’s a brand who knows how to tastefully join the conversation. While “team of five million” is slightly tedious territory here, somehow it works from a brand that’s built around play. The 60 second star-studded spot is uplifting too.

The Warehouse NZ – Teddy

If you’re hunkering down in New Zealand, you’ll need a friend. Dedicated to the nationwide lockdown bear hunt, the Warehouse gets it right with local relevancy, hopeful messaging and lots of warm-fuzzies. Cuteness for the win.

And that’s just the beginning.

Are there any ‘Rona-related ads out there making the top of your list? Give us a shout. We’re always on the hunt for good stuff. Speaking of, here’s an honourable mention that didn’t make the cut.


