Growing up under grey skies in Manchester, my true bright light was always Barbie. She had it all. Loads of friends, an epic house and a bright pink sportscar. Barbie was cool. Right through the noughties we were besties.

I’ve grown up (a little) since then, and so has the world. With the movie about to hit cinemas, it made me think – what does it look like today? Here’s what I’m hoping for.

Step into Barbie’s world

Barbara Millicent Roberts (yes, really) stepped into the world stilettos-first in 1959. Since then, she’s had over 250 careers and helped break the plastic-ceiling for women worldwide.

In 1965 she travelled into space – four years before man walked on the moon. In 1992, she ran for President and in nearly every election since. Including 2016, when she ran with the first all-female ticket.

In 1973, she encouraged women to become surgeons at a time few women were. And these days, to inspire more girls to explore careers in STEM, Barbie has been a computer engineer, video game developer and Mars explorer to name a few. Busy lady.

However you feel about her, she’s one of the biggest advocates for equality. She showed this Barbie girl you’ve got to dream it to believe it. It’s cringe, but it’s true.

My hopes for 2023 Barbie

As the movie reels load up and girls, guys and gays of all ages flock to the flicks, here’s what I’m hoping to see come 20 July.

Real beauty on the big screen.

Growing up in a ‘nothing tastes as good as skinny feels’ generation was hard for someone ‘big boned’. This B-girl wants Barbie’s take on today’s beauty standards – big girls an’ all.

Addressing the over-sexualisation of women for just being.

From the trailer we see Barbie answer a bum-slap with a fist. Attagirl. But where to from there? Is cat-calls, groping or obvious-cleavage glances addressed? I sure hope so.

An existential crisis or two.

I don’t think I’d be able to relate to Barbie if she’s constantly got it together. I want to see much more than a strand out of place. I want messy. At the very least a belch.

A nod to the non-girly girls.

Not everyone loves pink glittery dolls, but that doesn’t mean they can be excluded from this world. I’d like to see a true representation for all girls. Goth Barbie, anyone?

An explanation how her bestie got pregnant.

In 2002, Barbie’s best mate, Midge was banned for being ‘too controversial’ as she had a detachable pregnancy bump. Juicy. How will they explain how the baby got there?

And that leads me to my final question… what’s really in Ken’s shorts? Can’t wait to find out.

Catch you at the cinema

However it turns out on the big screen, I’m just happy we’re finally back in Barbie’s world. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be off to dust off my pinkest, glitteriest outfit. See you at the cinema.


