2020 has proven we live in an unpredictable world. So while the bookies have the odds in Jacinda’s favour, and debate polls say the Crusher crushed it – we can’t bank on any of it. That being said, it’s fun to try. So I dusted off my trusty Tarot cards and laid them out one by one to reveal our democratic destiny.

Who will be NZ’s next High Priestess? Let’s get into it.

The Fool

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The first card I flipped represents ‘the present’. Confidently care-free, the Fool oozes an aura of idealism, new beginnings and (relentless) positivity…

He’s also about to step off a cliff which may be concerning. Right-o. Let’s keep moving.


The Hierophant

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The second card represents ‘the challenge’. Or in this case, the opposition. The Hierophant is all about traditionalism, order and discipline.

We see a “new kind of politics” up against old school experience. A warm Talofa to you, Sir Hierophant.


The High Priestess

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This card indicates ‘the past’ and the events that have led up to the present situation. The last three years of a Labour-led government.

This card is all about wisdom, compassion, moon magic and secrets. Hmmm, what do we not know?


Four of Swords

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This is a glimpse into ‘the future’ or the next step on the journey. The Four of Swords reflects a shit show of an election period.

Fear, anxiety, mental exhaustion. Well, a global pandemic and impending recession will do that to ya.


Ace of Wands

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Here we see NZ’s aspirations playing out. Our ‘conscious goal.’ What do we want out of our next government? The Ace of Wands screams “challenge accepted”.

It speaking to passion, growth and good news. Our collective wish upon a star.


Ace of Pentacles

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The sixth card delves into our ‘subconscious goal’. The Ace of Pentacles is all about money and opportunity.

It’s no surprise the economy will be a big driver for voters this election. But this year it’s especially important.


The Empress

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Here we have ‘the advice’ from the universe. How should Kiwis approach the polling booth? The Empress is all about nurturing and fertility.

Does that mean we should think of the children? It’s only fair. We are borrowing their money.


Three of Pentacles

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The people, energies or events which will affect the election are reflected in the eighth card. All the ‘external influences’.

Maturity, practicality and cooperation are key themes here. That sounds nothing like politics, so it’s a good sign for us all.


Page of Swords

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Here, our biggest ‘hopes and fears’ are revealed. The Page of Swords wields his weapon with caution. That’s us with our vote. There’s a lot at stake.

He shows our hope that who we vote for can handle the jandal. And our fear that maybe they can’t.



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Finally we have the ‘outcome‘ card – Strength. We see a maiden petting a lion. Courage over fear. Whoever can overcome our collective fears as a country, or at least campaign like they can – will be victorious.

In other words, the strongest team will win. No shit.

Wasn’t that fun? Sure, we have no concrete answer. The election is still anyone’s game. But I’m sure your internal bias has already filled in the blanks. Either way, as hard as the cards try – the future is on us.


